Geo. Common Currency
In Universe and Nature, where the concept of time does not exist, and everything evolves toward perfection, means that all manmade creations are subject to adaptation and constant updating in order to bring them in line with natural and universal laws.
Thus, the horizon is not formed with coins, nor it is sustained on economic or financial approaches or theories. Instead, we’re talking about energy at full its capacity.
Nowadays, not even with all the money issued, accrued, and accumulated following economic theories of monetary idolatry, we could produce a single drop of water, a milliliter of air, a beam of light, a liter of oil, a mineral vein, a gram of soil, or a seed of grain.
Humanity has dedicated its existence to solely exploiting, altering, devastate, and polluting natural resources rather than using the vast. valuable natural richness to achieve higher levels of posterity.
The above is worsened by introducing overwhelming interest charged by domestic and foreign speculating financial systems.
With the invention of currency as a mean to facilitate commercial transactions in the ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Venetian societies, and when the exchange of products and goods (barter) happened in the American cultures, made of metal coin (gold, silver, copper), paper bills (bills, bonds, equities, derivatives), plastic cards, and intangible transfers and electronic transactions an increasingly losing proposition in terms of market value driven by the excessive quantitative easing and the lack of sustainable support backed by actual work and productive activities.
In the past, when money was minted from metal, it led to conflicts between people and nations looking to collect the largest amount of gold, silver and precious stones to demonstrate apparent hegemony and wealth over countries suffering from subordination. After metal currency was replaced by paper money; along with increasing political speculation, it caused a decline in promoting comprehensive and useful activities to generate employment and ensure a better distribution of production.
Just as in 1944, when the newly-formed United Nations, that during the Bretton Woods, New Hampshire conference proposed new standards and innovative approaches to commercially, financially and economically strengthening and rebuilding countries devastated by World War II, led to progress and development through affordable loans and credits granted by financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank..
All the above, make us reconsider, that by ignoring and invalidating the initial concepts and purposes due to greed and uncontrollable plundering of natural resources (oil, water, minerals, food) with the consent and subjugation of developing countries, make it obvious to urgently establish a renewed multinational agreement.
Thus, It is imperative to comprehensively review cooperation agreements and business models to achieve a common currency.
If this plan for global cooperation is well organized and based on large and functional basic infrastructure projects (energy, water, communications, agricultural and aquaculture districts) financed through the use of a common currency and sustained in global trading relationships, it will ultimately promote economic, financial and fiscal policies translated into sharable, diversified and always-expanding international development.
To restart the construction of such important and strategic public and private projects, particularly in such countries with limited monetary reserves, it is essential to have a universal currency to provide loans and produce business plans guided by the principle of producing and sharing wealth without compromising the environment and Earth’s future.
By executing these kinds of projects, every nation, regardless of beliefs, language, racial mix, or religion would benefit from such. Hence, the dollar would also need to be subject to the new multilateral currency, which will govern the economic, financial, commercial, investment, fiscal and monetary policies across all countries. The name proposed for this reliable, urgent, necessary, renewed and evolved currency is GEO, which means, Earth.
The GEO would be backed by actual natural resources.
As we know, any element, mineral energy or matter, regardless of its availability, comes from nature. The same goes to everything else, from metals like gold and silver to energy resources, such as oil, coal, uranium, and gas; all originate from continuos thermodynamic cycles and natural/astronomical processes.
In order to be in accordance with Universal principles, the economy itself should always be at the service of humanity, that way, mankind will learn and achieve an optimal use and transformation of natural wealth.
Thanks to its essence and origin, the GEO will help alleviate conflicts motivated by special interests and desire for supremacy. Once replaced, the dollar, euro, ruble, peso, real, yen, yuan, pounds, etc. and once plans, programs and projects to build a better world are reconciled, mankind will ensure its advancement to higher levels of rationale, efficiently and equitably of natural resources.
With vision, will, courage and determination the idea of a common currency is quite feasible and will symbolize the most considerable effort of its kind since currency was created.
By changing and replacing mercantilist theories based on monetary superstition, the current economic and financial crisis that overwhelms and obscures the future of humanity, represents an important opportunity to reconsider historical lessons, correct errors and harmful economic concepts to route them towards a practical, reliable and useful Universal Monetary Policy..
The goal is to trigger shared development and transform ominous judgements into encouraging multinational programs financed by a currency built on humanity’s most valuable and irreplaceable good, Planet Earth.
Mexico City, February, 2011
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Usted lee “Geo. Common Currency,” un artículo en México Tercer Milenio
- Publicado:
- 03.11.11 / 2pm
- Categoría:
- Política
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